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Multimodal Works

By viewing Erin Anderson’s “The Olive Project” and Claire Lauer’s “What’s in a Name?”, I learned a lot about what a true multimodal work can be. I especially learned how organized or confusing it can be. I used that knowledge to help and inspire me when creating this reflection project. I believe my design is a middle point between the designs of each of these works. I like to think it is a bit more organized than the Olive Project and has similar organization to What's in a Name. The course outcome Genre Knowledge relates to employing genre conventions to serve your purpose(s). After learning about other multimodal works, I was able to take the certain elements I liked and apply them to what I wanted to create and the story I wanted to tell. 


Achieving the Discourse Community Knowledge course outcome means demonstrating attention to and successful execution of the conventions specific to the discourse community, including organization, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic/syntactical choices. I believe I have done this through the multimodal format I have created. Since I do not know how to code my own design, I had to work with the designs provided by Wix, as well as the things I knew I could do with the site. Due to my limited knowledge and abilities in the technological aspect, I had to create new individual pages that pop up, screenshot images of text instead of just being able to add type, and scroll through the image reel at the speed and agility attributed to the design. Ultimately, I think I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish through using the site and the tools I've learned throughout this course.

To demonstrate awareness of and responsiveness to audience, context, and purpose, I achieved the course outcome of Rhetorical Knowledge when attempting to create a reflection format that was intricate yet easy to follow for viewers. I have added additional writing, audio, and visual elements in order to provide the viewer with as much context from the course as possible. Also, I want to make sure I have fully explained my purpose for creating all the work that I've completed. So much thought goes into every aspect of multimodal pieces, and I want to be sure my thought process is seen and understood.

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